The French branch of the International Law Association/ Association de droit international (ILA/ADI) was chosen to organize the events associated with the 150th anniversary of the world organization, which has 64 national or regional branches located on all continents and more than 4,400 members.

The ADI/ILA is a direct descendant of the peace through international law movement born in the United States of America in the mid-19th century. Created in 1873, it is contemporary to that of the first universal intergovernmental organizations such as the International Telegraph (now Telecommunications) Union (ITU) in 1865 and the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in 1874. The ILA/ADI’s mandate is to work on the evolution of international law.

To prepare for the discussions that will take place throughout 2023, the French branch of the ILA/ADI is preparing a series of thematic white papers that will be published in the course of 2022 (June). The publication will first be done on the dedicated ILA 2023 website and then, if possible, in paper format to be handed out to participants in June 2023.

A white paper is designed as a guide to help reflection. It is essentially a prospective exercise.

Composed of about 30 pages, it consists of three parts: 1) An overview of what exists today; 2) the challenges posed by tomorrow’s world; 3) questions and options for potential solutions.

Each book is prepared by an international steering committee, headed, if possible, by one or two members of the French branch. In its ideal composition, each steering committee is made up of people from the five continents, representing the major legal cultures existing in the world.

All the points of view of the actors on the international scene (States, civil society, companies, etc.) on a given subject will be reflected in each white paper. Hearings may be held to provide food for thought.



Migration, Intellectual Property, Anthropocene, SDGs beyond 2030, Health, the Fight against Corruption, Food/Agriculture, Digital Challenges for International Law, Foreign Investment, Energy, Cultural Heritage, Business and Human Rights, Mass Crimes and Impunity, Human Rights, Global Governance/Multilateralism, Law in support of Democracy, International Finance, Outer Space, Oceans, Taxation, Dispute Resolution, Cities in International Law, Civil Status, Labour.